Crisis Intervention
Crisis Intervention services are offered to individuals experiencing a psychiatric crisis and are designed to interrupt a crisis experience. The goals of crisis intervention is reducing negative symptoms, stabilization and restoration to a previous level of functioning. These services are offered in the community, home and office settings.
Outpatient Counseling
Our outpatient services include individual therapy, family therapy and group therapy with a Licensed Clinical Social Worker or Licensed Professional Counselor. These Services may be provided on-site, off-site or by tele-video.
Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST)
Community psychiatric support and treatment offer goal-directed supports and solution focused interventions intended to help individuals achieve identified goals. This service is a face-to-face intervention with the individual but, may also include involvement of the family or significant other. Needs addressed through CPST include:
– Personal and daily living skills
-Training and support to identify and access meaningful community supports, natural supports and social activities
– Developing Interpersonal communication skills
-Developing employment skills
-Participation in employment or education opportunities
-locating affordable housing
-Training and Educational services for the family members authorized by the participant and;
-Recovery skill building
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (PSR)
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services are designed to assist with eliminating functional deficits and interpersonal or environmental barriers associated with emotional, mental or behavioral health issues. The intent of PSR is to restore the fullest possible integration of the individual as an active and productive member of his or her family and community. These services are primarily provided in the community and my include locations such as school, work, or other public location. Needs addressed through PSR include but are not limited to:
-Community Living (e.g., housekeeping, shopping, cooking, budgeting, and housing)
-Self-management skills (e.g., medication self-management and coping strategies)
-Building social relationships and natural support systems
-Use of leisure time
-Wellness and recovery skill training
-Prevocational activities that focus on developing positive work habits (e.g., following a schedule, proper attire, effective communication).