Located in Lafayette, Louisiana, Dockett and Associates offers treatment for Addiction, Alcohol Abuse and Drug Abuse. Our dedicated team of addiction specialists have one main goal in mind – to help addicts beat the cycle of addiction once and for all. Beginning with an intake assessment, our addiction specialists are able to determine the best course of action when creating the patients’ customized treatment plan. We believe that anyone can recover, no matter how severe their addiction is.With the right treatment plan in place, our patients can achieve anything that they set their mind to. We truly care about the success of our patients, both in recovery and in every aspect of their lives. We accept Most Insurances as well as many other insurances. We aim to show addicts how to live the life that they deserve without being constrained by addiction. Despite where an addict is in their addiction, it’s not too late to change. We understand that change can seem like a very scary thing, especially for a newly recovering addict. The changes that they will make here at Dockett and Associates may just be the very changes that will save their lives.