Children’s Special Health Services (CSHS)
Children’s Special Health Services (CSHS) is a program for children in Louisiana with special health care needs. A child with special needs is:
- a child with a health problem that affects how the child grows, moves, and acts, AND
- a child who needs more health services than most other children.
CSHS Commonly seen conditions:
- Audiology: Hearing Loss or Deafness
- Cardiology: Ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, defect of heart valves.
- Cleft lip and Palate
- Neurology: seizures, cerebral palsy, stroke, brain injury
- Neurosurgery: hydrocephalus, malformations of the brain, spina bifida
- Ophthalmology: strabismus, amblyopia, cataracts, glaucoma, birth defects of the eye.
- Orthopedic: Cerebral Palsy, Scoliosis, Club Foot, Spinal Cord injuries, spina bifid
- Otology: Hearing Loss, Birth defects of the ear, frequent ear infections.
- Plastic Surgery: Scars or contracture that limit function or movement
- Family Resource Center: Care coordination services, information and referral for community resources.
- Doctors,
- Therapist,
Resource Type(s)
- All Ages
Ages Served
- Medicaid
Payment(s) Accepted
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Zip Codes
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* Doctors and other health care workers provide services for children with special needs
* Care coordination to make sure a child gets all the services he or she needs.
* Hospital Care
* Test: X-Ray, lab, EKG (to look at heart movement), and more
* Therapy that helps a child (1) move better, (2) speak better, and (3) build life skills
* Medicine that is ordered by CSHS doctors
* Nutrition and special diets
* Equipment: Wheelchairs, braces, and more
* Parent and family support
* Help finding home care services
* Help working with schools and community groups and offices
* Help shifting to adult life and care
Other Notes
A child can get help from CSHS if he or she:
* lives in Louisiana
* is less than 21 years old
* has a health problem that CSHS covers
* has Medicaid OR meets the CSHS income rules.To get help from CSHS, a parent can apply at a local parish health unit or one of the nine CSHS offices. A referral from a doctor, nurse practitioner, or audiologist is needed.