Assist Agency
Community Resource in Acadia
The ASSIST Agency is a Community Action Agency that provides services to economically challenged individuals, families, and communities in Southwestern Louisiana. We have offices in Acadia, Jefferson Davis and Vermilion Parishes. Community Action Agencies such as ours are often charged with filling the gap in services available to those in need. As such, it is our responsibility to discover what gaps in services exist in our community, determine if a particular program is needed and to develop program priorities in order to raise the standard of living and improve the quality of life for all of the communities.
Call 337-788-7550 X 138- Community Resource
Resource Type(s)
- All Ages
Ages Served
- No Cost
Payment(s) Accepted
- 70526
Zip Codes
Outreach and Referral, Emergency Voucher Assistance (LDOL, FEMA & United Way), Food for Families, Food Vouchers, Medicaid / LaCHIP Applications, Pharmaceutical Access Program, Toys for Tots, Affordable Housing, Shelter Home, Apartment Construction/Rental, Revolving Loan for Small Business Development and Expansion, VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), Single Family Home Construction, HUD-Approved Housing Counseling, Childcare Centers, J & K Hope Center for homeless men